+91-9754027171, 0751-2401011

 H-1,Piproli,Chirwai Naka, Lashkar,Gwalior(M.P.)

B.Sc. Nursing

Nursing involves the care of people throughout the continue of life and provides an essential service to humankind. As career professionals, nurses improve the quality of health care delivery. There are many positive aspects of being a nurse. There is nothing more rewarding than a patient giving thanking and telling you, how much you have helped them also, there are so many opportunities and career paths that are available for nurses. Nursing offers opportunities from bedside practice to the president or top administrator of a healthcare organization. Clinical specialist, nurse practitioner, nurse administrator and nurse educator are just a few examples of the variety of opportunities awaiting you in a nursing career. Nurses are also appointed and elected to influential government positions. If you choose nursing, you will discover a career filled with personal and professional rewards. There will be even more opportunities in the future. As the entire health care system transforms because of new technology, changing population demographic and many other factors.


Eligibility Criteria:Candidate who has qualified 10+2 intermediate in PCB stream with minimum 45% marks.

Admission procedure:Admissions will be made strictly according to the rules and procedures laid down by the University and on first come first serve basis.

Duration:Four academic years.