+91-9754027171, 0751-2401011

 H-1,Piproli,Chirwai Naka, Lashkar,Gwalior(M.P.)

Facility & Infrastructure


The Library is a pivot point for all reading and The college has got its own good library. It provides latest and up to date reference and books for all the nursing courses run by KS Nursing College. A large number of national and international journals, periodicals, news papers and magazines are being subscribed. Internet facilities are available to the students. Every year books and journals are added to the library. The whole library is computerized and has a good collection of video tapes, CD-ROMS and audio cassettes on different subjects make the library unique. National and international standards reference will help to update the knowledge of students and to facilitate research work.


B.Sc. Nursing subjects are mainly based on practical covered under syllabus and its performance in Hospitals and Laboratories. In view of this, the institute has provided all the required no, of laboratories equipped with modern equipment's and instruments for various subjects of Nursing Courses. These laboratories are designed in such a manner that it provides better working environment and safety. The laboratories provide all the essential apparatus to make student acquainted. The laboratories are developed as per norms of Indian Nursing Council New Delhi and Medical Education Deptt. of M.P. Govt.

There are following laboratories available in the college:
• Anatomy and Physiology Lab
• Maternal & Child Health Lab
• Nutrition Lab
• Fundamental of Nursing Lab
• Community Health Lab
• Pre-clinical Science Lab
• Audio-Visual Room

Doctor On Call

Regular medical check up will be conducted in the college and in Hostel at regular intervals. In emergency cases services of renowned doctors are available on call.Monitoring of health of the students is done on routine basis. Regular check-ups are done to ensure fitness of the students. In case of illness, special Medicare is available through medical experts. Special doctors are available on call. The college is also accomplished with well equipped sick room in college and hostel with ambulance services available round the clock.

Medical Check Up

Medical check-up by paediatrician and a regular record of the height & weight etc. is maintained to keep a close watch on the health and developmental milestone of the child.

Discipline & Training in Responsibility

Discipline in the school is taught and enforced mainly through healthy traditions and manifold activities organised to develop a sense of loyalty, truth, honour, responsibility, integrity, self-reliance and smartness in the students.